Consent/contracts negotiating agent BB – Design Document – Prometheus-X Components & Services

Consent/contracts negotiating agent BB – Design Document

The Consent/Contracts Negotiating Agent streamlines the process for individuals to set consent preferences regarding data usage, automates responses to consent requests from managers, and matches individuals with relevant services based on their consent profiles. Additionally, it assists organizations in negotiating and managing contractual agreements for data sharing within the dataspace ecosystem.

Its components encompass consent preference settings, service matching capabilities, communication with consent managers, contract profile management, and the provision for organizations to define default rules and conditions for contractual agreements.

Technical usage scenarios & Features

The Consent/Contracts Negotiating Agent empowers individuals and data providers to manage consent preferences, discover suitable services, and negotiate data sharing agreements within dataspace ecosystems. It facilitates automatic matching and recommendation processes based on an individual's consent profile and organizations' data sharing agreements.

Features/main functionalities

Technical usage scenarios


Requirement ID Short Description BB Input Format BB Output Format Requirement Type
BB-REQ_ID__1 Must enable individuals to set and manage consent preferences for data usage REST API call REST API response Functional (FUN)
BB-REQ_ID__2 Must facilitate automatic matching and recommendation processes based on consent profiles and organizations' data sharing agreements REST API call REST API response Functional (FUN)
BB-REQ_ID__3 Must communicate effectively with consent managers to handle consent requests and responses REST API call REST API response Dependency, Functional (DEP, FUN)
BB-REQ_ID__4 Must integrate seamlessly with dataspace ecosystems to ensure compatibility with ecosystem conditions REST API call REST API response Dependency (DEP)
BB-REQ_ID__5 Must provide configuration options for organizations to define default rules and conditions for contractual agreements REST API call REST API response Functional (FUN)
BB-REQ_ID__6 Should be able to process both bilateral and data space use case data sharing agreements REST API call REST API response Dependency, Functional (DEP, FUN)


Direct Integrations with Other BBs

Core Building Blocks

Interaction with other building blocks are essential to ensuring the functionalities of Consent / Contract Negotiating Agent as it needs to be able to read from consents and contracts, as well as read information from the catalogue.

Integrations via Connector

This building block is not aimed to have a connector integration as it will be intimitely linked to the Consent and Contract building blocks which exist outside of the connector.

It will however be a source of data exchange trigger which will enable the Consent service to notify the connectors of the data exchange following the protocol defined in the consent building block.

Relevant Standards

Data Format Standards

Input / Output Data

This Building Block reads from existing contracts generated by the Contract building block and existing consent from the Consent building block.


The consent negotiating agent interacts with the catalog to identify similar types of data and services based on individuals' consent preferences. By analyzing consent profiles, the agent discerns the authorization levels, conditions, and preferences set by individuals regarding data usage.

Leveraging this information, it proposes potential data exchanges to individuals, recommending suitable data sources or services that align with their consent preferences. This process ensures that individuals have access to relevant and permissible data within the dataspace.

Contract Matching

The contract negotiating agent utilizes the catalog to identify comparable data categories and services based on organizations' contract profiles. By examining the ODRL policies and values specified in the contract profiles, the agent identifies relevant organizations and datasets that align with the contractual agreements and obligations defined by the organizations.

It then proposes potential partners or datasets to organizations, facilitating streamlined negotiations and partnerships within the dataspace.

This approach enables organizations to efficiently discover and engage with compatible partners and datasets, optimizing data sharing and utilization while ensuring adherence to contractual agreements and regulatory requirements.

Streamlining Negotiation Process

  participant org as Organization
  participant ca as Contract Agent
  participant cat as Catalog Integration

  org->>ca: Initiate negotiation with new organization
  ca->>cat: Access contract profiles from catalog
  cat-->>ca: Contract profiles retrieved
  ca->>org: Pre-set ODRL policies and values based on contract profiles

Recommendations of Data Exchanges

  participant org as Organization
  participant ca as Contract Agent
  participant cat as Catalog Integration

  org->>ca: Request recommendations for data exchanges/services
  ca->>cat: Access contract profiles from catalog
  cat-->>ca: Contract profiles retrieved
  ca->>ca: Analyze ODRL policies and values in contract profiles
  ca->>cat: Request data exchanges/services recommendations based on contract profiles
  cat-->>ca: Data exchanges/services recommendations
  ca-->>org: Provide recommendations based on contract profiles


  1. Negotiating Agents: The core components responsible for managing consent and contract negotiations. These agents communicate with individuals, organizations, and the catalog to gather and analyze consent preferences and contract profiles.
  2. Catalog Integration: Integration with the catalog system to access metadata about available data sources, services, and organizations within the dataspace. This integration enables the negotiating agents to identify relevant data and services based on consent preferences and contract profiles.
  3. Consent Management Module: A module responsible for managing consent preferences of individuals. It allows individuals to set and update their consent preferences, including authorization levels and conditions for data uage.
  4. Contract Management Module: A module dedicated to managing contract profiles of organizations. It enables organizations to define ODRL policies and values for data categories and services, facilitating streamlined negotiations with potential partners.
  5. Communication Interface: An interface for communication between the negotiating agents, individuals, organizations and the catalog. This interface ensures seamless exchange of consent preferences, contract profiles, and negotiation proposals.
  6. Data Exchange Proposals: Components responsible for generating data exchange proposals for individuals based on their consent preferences and for proposing relevant organizations or datasets to organizations based on their contract profiles.
  7. Authorization Level Evaluation: Components for evaluating authorization levels and conditions specified in consent preferences and contract profiles. These components determine the permissibility of data exchanges and partnerships.
  8. Logging: Mechanisms for logging operations and monitoring the performance of the agents and related components.
  9. Error Handling & Recovery: Strategies and mechanisms for handling errors and recovering from failures gracefully.
  class ConsentContractNegotiatingAgent {
    - ConsentManagementModule consentModule
    - ContractManagementModule contractModule
    - CatalogIntegration catalogIntegration
    - CommunicationInterface communicationInterface
    - DataExchangeProposals dataExchangeProposals
    - AuthorizationLevelEvaluation authorizationEvaluation
    - LoggingMonitoring loggingMonitoring
    - ErrorHandlingRecovery errorHandlingRecovery
  class ConsentManagementModule {
    + setConsentPreferences()
    + updateConsentPreferences()
  class ContractManagementModule {
    + setContractProfile()
    + updateContractProfile()
  class CatalogIntegration {
    + accessMetadata()
  class CommunicationInterface {
    + exchangeData()
  class DataExchangeProposals {
    + generateProposals()
  class AuthorizationLevelEvaluation {
    + evaluateAuthorization()
  class LoggingMonitoring {
    + logOperations()
    + monitorPerformance()
  class ErrorHandlingRecovery {
    + handleErrors()
    + recoverFromFailures()

  ConsentContractNegotiatingAgent --> ConsentManagementModule
  ConsentContractNegotiatingAgent --> ContractManagementModule
  ConsentContractNegotiatingAgent --> CatalogIntegration
  ConsentContractNegotiatingAgent --> CommunicationInterface
  ConsentContractNegotiatingAgent --> DataExchangeProposals
  ConsentContractNegotiatingAgent --> AuthorizationLevelEvaluation
  ConsentContractNegotiatingAgent --> LoggingMonitoring
  ConsentContractNegotiatingAgent --> ErrorHandlingRecovery

Dynamic Behaviour

This statechart shows the internal state changes of the component.

title: Setting of authorization level in consent preferences

  [*] --> ManualConsent: Default State
  ManualConsent --> AutomaticConsent: Authorization Level "always"
  ManualConsent --> ConditionalConsent: Authorization Level "conditional"
  ConditionalConsent --> ManualConsent: Conditions Not Met
  ConditionalConsent --> AutomaticConsent: Conditions Met
  AutomaticConsent --> ManualConsent: Authorization Level Changed to "conditional"
  ConditionalConsent --> AutomaticConsent: Authorization Level Changed to "always"

Communication with other components

  participant i as Individual
  participant pdi as Personal Data Intermediary
  participant ccna as Consent Negotiating Agent

  i->>pdi: Request data sharing from <br>Data Provider to Data Consumer
  pdi->>ccna: Send Consent
  ccna->>ccna: Verify authorization level on <br>the user consent preferences
  alt Authorization Level "always"
    ccna-->>pdi: Consent granted automatically
  else Authorization Level "never"
    ccna-->>i: Request manual consent grant
  else Authorization Level "conditional"
    ccna->>ccna: Check conditions
    alt Conditions Met
      ccna-->>pdi: Consent granted automatically
    else Conditions Not Met
      ccna-->>i: Request manual consent grant

Technical Specifications

graph TD
    subgraph ConsentManager["Consent - Manager"]
        subgraph ConsentAgent["Consent Agent"]
            Algorithms["Algorithms<br/>(Consent preferences,<br/>consent matching,<br/>negotiation agent,<br/>Data exchanges recommendations)"]
            Algorithms <--> API

    AtlasSearch[(Atlas Search)]

    MongoDB <--> ConsentManager
    AtlasSearch --> |consent<br/>& Data exchanges| ConsentManager

Entities in the consent preferences are defined by the following UML diagram

  class Data {
    id: string/uri
    authorizationLevel: string
    conditions: Condition[]
  class Service {
    id: string/uri
    authorizationLevel: string
    conditions: Condition[]
  class Participant {
    id: string/uri
    asDataProvider: Data
    asServiceProvider: Service
  class Condition {
    time: TimeCondition
    location: LocationCondition
  class TimeCondition {
    dayOfWeek: string[]
    startTime: string
    endTime: string
  class LocationCondition {
    countryCode: string

  Participant -- Data
  Participant -- Service
  Condition -- TimeCondition
  Condition -- LocationCondition
  Service -- Condition
  Data -- Condition

User input will allow setting the consent profile preferences. An example of a simple consent profile would follow the following structure:

JSON structure for consent preferences

API Endpoints

The agent provides API endpoints through the consent manager to give access to the algorithm’s output and to give access to the preferences options.

Get Recommendations

Output example
	"consentRecommendations": ["6675866105d813cd97de8171"]

Get Recommendations

Output example
	"dataExchangesRecommendations": ["6675866105d813cd97de8171"]

Consent preferences

Output example
	"id": "667bc534e22d10c930808556",
	"asDataProvider": {
		"id": "667bc534e22d10c930808556",
		"authorizationLevel": "always",
		"conditions": [
				"time": {
					"dayOfWeek": ["0"],
					"startTime": "2024-03-27T14:08:19.986Z",
					"endTime": "2025-03-27T14:08:19.986Z"
				"location": {
					"countryCode": "US"
	"asServiceProvider": {
		"id": "667bc534e22d10c930808556",
		"authorizationLevel": "always",
		"conditions": [
				"time": {
					"dayOfWeek": ["0"],
					"startTime": "2024-03-27T14:08:19.986Z",
					"endTime": "2025-03-27T14:08:19.986Z"
				"location": {
					"countryCode": "US"
	"configurations": {
		"allowRecommendations": true,
		"allowPolicies": true

Contract Agent

graph TD
    subgraph ContractManager["Contract - Manager"]
        subgraph ContractAgent["Contract Agent"]
            Algorithms["Algorithms<br/>(Profile management,<br/>recommendation logic,<br/>policies management)"]
            Algorithms <--> API

    AtlasSearch[(Atlas Search)]

    MongoDB <--> ContractManager
    AtlasSearch --> |recommendations<br/>& policies| ContractManager

Contract Profiles

For organizations within the dataspace, they are subject to negotiate and contractualise for the usage of their data or services under a certain set of ODRL policies. The contract profile and agent would enable a streamlined experience in setting up ODRL policies and their values when negotiating with new organisations if similar data or services has been configured within the contract profile.

  class Policies {
    +policy: string
    +frequency: int

  class Recommendations {
    +policies: [Policies]
    +ecosystemContracts: [string]

  class profiles {
    +_id: ObjectId
    +url: string
    +recommendations: [Recommendations]
    +configurations: configurations

  class Configurations {
    +allowRecommendation: boolean
    +allowPolicies: boolean

  profiles "1" -- "1" Configurations
  profiles "1" -- "*" Recommendations
  Recommendations "1" -- "*" Policies

Organizations can create a contract profile where they define various data categories and services they offer or utilize. For each data category and service, organizations specify the corresponding ODRL policies, including permissions, prohibitions, obligations, and constraints. When negotiating with new organizations or entities, the contract negotiating agent leverages these pre-configured contract profiles. It identifies similarities between the data categories and services involved, utilizing existing policies and values whenever possible to expedite the negotiation process. This approach not only accelerates negotiation but also ensures consistency and compliance across contractual agreements within the dataspace ecosystem.

API Endpoints

The agent provides API endpoints through the contract manager to give access to the algorithm’s output and to give access to the configuration options.

Get Recommendations

Output example
	"contractsRecommendations": ["6675866105d813cd97de8171"]

Get Policies

Output example
	"policies": ["6675867c2ef5d0e40b021e6b"]

Profile Configurations

Output example
	"configurations": {
		"allowRecommendations": true,
		"allowPolicies": true

Library Setup - Example

Setting up the agent would look something like the following:

Although this is still at a specification level and can change, having an example setup helps to visualise the implication for setup in the other building blocks.

pnpm install contract-agent

Initialization Example

import { initializeConsentAgent } from "contract-consent-agent";
const express = require("express");
const mongoose = require("mongoose");

const app = express();
await mongoose.connect(url, { retryWrites: true });
const consentAgent = initializeConsentAgent(mongoose);

// ...other app code...

app.listen(3000, () => {
	console.log("Server is running on port 3000");

API Integration Example

The library is expected to return a router used by the consent manager. Here is what it could look like

import { initializeConsentAgent } from "contract-consent-agent";
const express = require("express");
const mongoose = require("mongoose");

const app = express();
await mongoose.connect(url, { retryWrites: true });
const consentAgent = initializeConsentAgent(mongoose);

// ...other app code...

app.use("/", authMiddleware, consentAgent.router);

app.listen(3000, () => {
	console.log("Server is running on port 3000");


Provide an interface to search documents in the selected search engine (Atlas Search) in order to highlight suggestions or specific elements that might be found within the documents (ex: suggesting an ecosystem contract for a user, retrieving policies associated with a user).

Main Features

Atlas Search Example

		"$search": {
			"index": "contracts",
			"moreLikeThis": {
				"like": [
						"serviceOfferings.policies.description": "MUST use data for a specified time period"
		"$limit": 5
		"$project": {
			"serviceOfferings": 1,
			"score": { "$meta": "searchScore" }


The algorithms need to respond to the previous described requirements. To do so we will use Atlas search and its functionality to empower the recommendations and the matching.

Profile Algorithms Execution

This algorithm will create and manage the Contract profiles

See input/output example


	"_id": "6661c8e34371f3eabe3ddfde",
	"createdAt": "2024-06-06T14:34:11.128Z",
	"ecosystem": "",
	"members": [
			"participant": "",
			"role": "orchestrator",
			"signature": "hasSigned",
			"date": "2024-06-06T14:34:16.722Z"
			"participant": "",
			"role": "participant",
			"signature": "hasSigned",
			"date": "2024-06-06T14:35:51.524Z"
	"orchestrator": "",
	"purpose": [],
	"revokedMembers": [],
	"rolesAndObligations": [],
	"serviceOfferings": [
			"participant": "",
			"serviceOffering": "",
			"policies": [
					"description": "MUST not use data for more than n times",
					"permission": [
							"action": "use",
							"target": "",
							"constraint": [
									"leftOperand": "count",
									"operator": "lt",
									"rightOperand": 10
					"prohibition": []
			"_id": "6661c8fb4371f3eabe3ddfea"
			"participant": "",
			"serviceOffering": "",
			"policies": [
					"description": "MUST not use data for more than n times",
					"permission": [
							"action": "use",
							"target": "",
							"constraint": [
									"leftOperand": "count",
									"operator": "lt",
									"rightOperand": 10
					"prohibition": []
			"_id": "6661c9474371f3eabe3ddff0"
	"status": "signed",
	"updatedAt": "2024-06-06T14:35:51.522Z"


		"url": "",
		"configurations": {
			"allowRecommendation": true,
			"allowPolicies": true
		"recommendations": [
				"policies": [
						"policy": "MUST not use data for more than n times",
						"frequency": 1
				"ecosystemContracts": []
		"matching": [
				"policies": [],
				"ecosystemContracts": []
		"url": "",
		"configurations": {
			"allowRecommendation": true,
			"allowPolicies": true
		"recommendations": [
				"policies": [
						"policy": "MUST not use data for more than n times",
						"frequency": 1
				"ecosystemContracts": []
		"matching": [
				"policies": [],
				"ecosystemContracts": []

This algorithm will handle the recommendations by sending a query to Altas Search and saving the results.

See input/output example


	"_id": "6661c8e34371f3eabe3ddfde",
	"createdAt": "2024-06-06T14:34:11.128Z",
	"ecosystem": "",
	"members": [
			"participant": "",
			"role": "orchestrator",
			"signature": "hasSigned",
			"date": "2024-06-06T14:34:16.722Z"
			"participant": "",
			"role": "participant",
			"signature": "hasSigned",
			"date": "2024-06-06T14:35:51.524Z"
	"orchestrator": "",
	"purpose": [],
	"revokedMembers": [],
	"rolesAndObligations": [],
	"serviceOfferings": [
			"participant": "",
			"serviceOffering": "",
			"policies": [
					"description": "MUST not use data for more than n times",
					"permission": [
							"action": "use",
							"target": "",
							"constraint": [
									"leftOperand": "count",
									"operator": "lt",
									"rightOperand": 10
					"prohibition": []
			"_id": "6661c8fb4371f3eabe3ddfea"
			"participant": "",
			"serviceOffering": "",
			"policies": [
					"description": "MUST not use data for more than n times",
					"permission": [
							"action": "use",
							"target": "",
							"constraint": [
									"leftOperand": "count",
									"operator": "lt",
									"rightOperand": 10
					"prohibition": []
			"_id": "6661c9474371f3eabe3ddff0"
	"status": "signed",
	"updatedAt": "2024-06-06T14:35:51.522Z"


    "url": "",
    "configurations": {
      "allowRecommendation": true,
      "allowPolicies": true
    "recommendations": [
        ...other fields
        "ecosystemContracts": [
    ...other fields
    "url": "",
    "configurations": {
      "allowRecommendation": true,
      "allowPolicies": true
    "recommendations": [
        ...other fields
        "ecosystemContracts": [
    ...other fields

See input/output example


	"_id": "6661c8e34371f3eabe3ddfde",
	"createdAt": "2024-06-06T14:34:11.128Z",
	"ecosystem": "",
	"members": [
			"participant": "",
			"role": "orchestrator",
			"signature": "hasSigned",
			"date": "2024-06-06T14:34:16.722Z"
			"participant": "",
			"role": "participant",
			"signature": "hasSigned",
			"date": "2024-06-06T14:35:51.524Z"
	"orchestrator": "",
	"purpose": [],
	"revokedMembers": [],
	"rolesAndObligations": [],
	"serviceOfferings": [
			"participant": "",
			"serviceOffering": "",
			"policies": [
					"description": "MUST not use data for more than n times",
					"permission": [
							"action": "use",
							"target": "",
							"constraint": [
									"leftOperand": "count",
									"operator": "lt",
									"rightOperand": 10
					"prohibition": []
			"_id": "6661c8fb4371f3eabe3ddfea"
			"participant": "",
			"serviceOffering": "",
			"policies": [
					"description": "MUST not use data for more than n times",
					"permission": [
							"action": "use",
							"target": "",
							"constraint": [
									"leftOperand": "count",
									"operator": "lt",
									"rightOperand": 10
					"prohibition": []
			"_id": "6661c9474371f3eabe3ddff0"
	"status": "signed",
	"updatedAt": "2024-06-06T14:35:51.522Z"


    "url": "",
    "configurations": {
      "allowRecommendation": true,
      "allowPolicies": true
    ...other fields
    "matching": [
        "policies": [
            "policy": "MUST not use data for more than n times"
        "ecosystemContracts": [
    "url": "",
    "configurations": {
      "allowRecommendation": true,
      "allowPolicies": true
    ...other fields
    "matching": [
        "policies": [
            "policy": "MUST not use data for more than n times"
        "ecosystemContracts": [

Policies Algorithms Execution

See input/output example


	"_id": "6661c8e34371f3eabe3ddfde",
	"createdAt": "2024-06-06T14:34:11.128Z",
	"ecosystem": "",
	"members": [
			"participant": "",
			"role": "orchestrator",
			"signature": "hasSigned",
			"date": "2024-06-06T14:34:16.722Z"
			"participant": "",
			"role": "participant",
			"signature": "hasSigned",
			"date": "2024-06-06T14:35:51.524Z"
	"orchestrator": "",
	"purpose": [],
	"revokedMembers": [],
	"rolesAndObligations": [],
	"serviceOfferings": [
			"participant": "",
			"serviceOffering": "",
			"policies": [
					"description": "MUST not use data for more than n times",
					"permission": [
							"action": "use",
							"target": "",
							"constraint": [
									"leftOperand": "count",
									"operator": "lt",
									"rightOperand": 10
					"prohibition": []
			"_id": "6661c8fb4371f3eabe3ddfea"
			"participant": "",
			"serviceOffering": "",
			"policies": [
					"description": "MUST not use data for more than n times",
					"permission": [
							"action": "use",
							"target": "",
							"constraint": [
									"leftOperand": "count",
									"operator": "lt",
									"rightOperand": 10
					"prohibition": []
			"_id": "6661c9474371f3eabe3ddff0"
	"status": "signed",
	"updatedAt": "2024-06-06T14:35:51.522Z"


    "url": "",
    "configurations": {
      "allowRecommendation": true,
      "allowPolicies": true
    "recommendations": [
        "policies": [
            "policy": "MUST not use data for more than n times",
            "frequency": 2
       ...other fields
    ...other fields
    "url": "",
    "configurations": {
      "allowRecommendation": true,
      "allowPolicies": true
    "recommendations": [
        "policies": [
            "policy": "MUST not use data for more than n times",
            "frequency": 2
        ...other fields
    ...other fields

Change Stream

The change stream is a MongoDB functionality that allows listening to events from collections (insert, update, delete, …). This way we can manage to process the algorithm whenever we want through the entities lifecycle to keep the profiles up to date and give real time recommendations and matching.

3 potential events can be listened to for the contract agent:

  1. Creation or signature of bilateral: create a new profile or update the profile policies preferences.
  2. Signature of ecosystem contract for the policies and preferences of the ecosystem: create a new profile or update the policies preferences and recommendations.
  3. Revocation of ecosystem contract: update profile recommendations.

3 potential events can be listened to for the consent agent:

  1. Consent given: create a new profile or update the profile policies preferences.
  2. New data exchanges created: create a new profile or update the policies preferences and recommendations.
  3. Consent status changed: update profile recommendations.

Change Stream Handling

The agent will handle the change stream event provided by mongodb or mongoose (same usage).

const { MongoClient } = require("mongodb");

async function watchCollection(dbUrl, dbName, collectionName, onChange) {
	const client = new MongoClient(dbUrl, {
		useNewUrlParser: true,
		useUnifiedTopology: true,

	try {
		await client.connect();
		console.log("Connected to MongoDB");
		const db = client.db(dbName);
		const collection = db.collection(collectionName);

		const changeStream =;

		changeStream.on("change", (change) => {
			console.log("Change detected:", change);

		console.log(`Watching collection: ${collectionName}`);
	} catch (err) {

Example of a signature applied to a use case contract Workflow

    actor External
    participant CM as Contract-manager
    participant DB as Database
    box rgb(33,66,99) Contract-Agent
      participant CS as Change stream
      participant PA as Profile algorithm
      participant R as Recommendation
      participant AS as Atlas Search

    External->>CM: sign dsuo contract
    CM->>DB: update document
    DB->>CS: event
    CS->>PA: Execute
    PA->>PA: check if profile exists
    PA->>DB: query
    DB-->>PA: Profil
        PA->>PA: profile doesn't exists
        PA->>CM: Create profile
    CS->>R: Execute
    R->>AS: Query
    AS-->>R: Results
    R->>DB: Update document
    CM->>AS: Query
    AS-->>DB: Update document
    actor External
    participant CM as Consent-manager
    participant DB as Database
    box rgb(33,66,99) Consent-Agent
      participant CS as Change stream
      participant PA as Matching
      participant R as Recommendation
      participant AS as Atlas Search

    External->>CM: give consent
    CM->>DB: update document
    DB->>CS: event
    CS->>PA: Execute
    PA->>PA: check if preferences exists
    PA->>DB: query
    DB-->>PA: preferences
        CS->>R: Execute
        R->>AS: Query
        AS-->>R: Results
        R->>DB: Update document

Configuration and deployment settings

Logging and Operations

The Consent/Contracts Negotiating Agent logs operations, errors, and warnings to designated log files. Logging includes details such as consent requests, contract negotiations, integration errors, and system status updates. Error scenarios, such as failed consent requests or contract validation errors, are logged with appropriate error codes and descriptions to aid in troubleshooting and debugging.

Limits and Usage Constraints

The Consent/Contracts Negotiating Agent imposes certain limits and usage constraints to ensure efficient operation and resource allocation within the dataspace ecosystem. These limits may include maximum concurrent requests, maximum dataset size for contract profiles, and rate limiting for API calls to external systems. Additionally, the agent may enforce authentication and access control mechanisms to protect sensitive data and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Configuration options for these limits and constraints can be adjusted based on deployment requirements and scalability considerations.

OpenAPI Specification

TODO When ready.

Third Party Components & Licenses

Component Link License
Atlas Search Proprietary license

Test specification

Test plan

The testing strategy for the Consent/Contracts Negotiating Agent will focus on ensuring the correctness, reliability, and performance of its functionalities. We will employ a combination of unit tests, integration tests, and possibly UI tests where relevant. The testing environment will replicate production-like conditions to validate the agent's behavior accurately. Acceptance criteria will be defined based on user stories, functional requirements, and performance benchmarks.

Unit tests

For unit testing, we will utilize the Mocha testing framework along with Chai for assertions. The test cases will cover individual components and modules of the Consent/Contracts Negotiating Agent, including consent management, contract profile management, catalog integration, communication interface, and data exchange proposals. Mocking frameworks like Sinon may be used to isolate dependencies and simulate external interactions.

Integration tests

Integration tests will focus on validating the interaction between different components of the Consent/Contracts Negotiating Agent. We will use tools such as Postman for API testing to verify communication interfaces and data exchange protocols. Additionally, integration tests will ensure seamless integration with external systems like consent managers and catalog APIs. Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines will be set up to automate the execution of integration tests.

Test definitions

Suite Test Case
Consent Agent Handle Tests
should verify the flow for creating a users and creating profile
should verify the flow for creating a privacy notice
should verify the flow for creating a consent
should verify the flow for updating a user
should verify the flow for updating a consent
should verify the flow for deleting a privacy notice
should verify the flow for deleting a consent
should verify the flow for deleting a user
ChangeStreamDataProvider Tests
should emit dataInserted event when creating a document
should emit dataUpdated event when updating a document
should emit dataDeleted event when deleting a document
ConsentAgent Router Tests
should get a configuration from profile
should update a configuration from profile
should get recommendations from profile
should get data exchanges recommendations from profile
should get preferences from profile
should handle adding preference to profile
should get preference by id for profile
should handle updating a preference from profile
should handle delete a preference from profile
should get a profile from URI
should get all profiles
should get a match for a profile


Suite Test Case
Contract Agent Test Cases
should verify the flow for creating a contract and updating profiles
should delete the previously created contract successfully
Negotiation Service Test Cases
should accept allowed policy
should reject disallowed policy
should reject all policies when allowPolicies is false
should check policy frequency
should accept allowed service
should reject disallowed service
should accept valid contract
should reject inactive contract
should reject contract with unacceptable service offering
should reject contract with unacceptable policies
should return successful negotiation for valid contract
should return failed negotiation with unacceptable policies
should return failed negotiation with unacceptable services
should handle errors during negotiation
should identify multiple unacceptable policies and services
should accept service with acceptable policies
should reject service with unacceptable policies
should add valid preferences
should filter out invalid preferences
NegotiationService Singleton:
should return the same instance without refresh
should return a new instance with refresh
MongooseProvider Events Tests
should emit dataInserted event when saving a new document
should emit dataInserted event when creating via model.create()
should emit dataUpdated event when updating via model.updateOne()
should emit dataDeleted event when deleting via model.deleteOne()
ContractAgent with MongooseProvider
should initialize correctly and trigger handleDataInserted via create
should initialize correctly and trigger handleDataInserted via save
should trigger updateProfileFromContractChange on update
ContractAgent Router Tests
should get policies recommendations from profile
should get services recommendations from profile
should get policies matching from profile
should handle adding configurations to profile
should handle updating configurations for profile
should handle deleting configurations from profile

Partnerships & Roles




Usage in the Dataspace

The Consent/Contracts Agent significantly enhances the management of data usage and sharing agreements within the dataspace ecosystem. By automating consent and contract negotiations, it ensures compliance with predefined policies and conditions, streamlining the process for both individuals and organizations.

For individuals, the agent provides an intuitive interface to manage consent preferences, facilitating personalized service recommendations and enabling data exchanges that align with their consent profiles. Organizations benefit from the agent’s ability to streamline negotiations, applying consistent contractual agreements through the use of ODRL policies and values to identify relevant partners and datasets.

Through integration with the dataspace ecosystem, the agent guarantees compatibility with ecosystem conditions and regulatory requirements. This integration not only improves data governance but also promotes collaboration and innovation within the dataspace by enabling efficient and secure data exchanges.