Prometheus-X Components & Services



Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:


  1. Make sure to fill your .env (see .env.sample):
  cat .env.sample
  1. Use the required Node.js version using nvm:
  nvm use

On Windows, you can use the following command:

  nvm use $(Get-Content .nvmrc)

This ensures that the project uses the specified Node.js version.

  1. Install project dependencies using pnpm:
  pnpm install

This will install all the necessary dependencies for your project.

Usage for development

  1. Watch for changes and automatically restart the server in development:
  pnpm dev

This command will use nodemon to watch for changes and restart your application when changes are detected.


  1. Generate TypeScript types for Mongoose using mongoose-tsgen:
  pnpm gen-types

This command will generate TypeScript types based on your Mongoose models.

  1. Generate Swagger API doc with:
  pnpm gen-swagger

This command will generate Swagger documentation, accessible at http://localhost:{port}/api-docs/#/

  1. Generate Source Code documentation with:
  pnpm gen-docs

This command will generate documentation using TypeDoc for the source code and save it in a “docs” folder.

Building the project for production

  1. Build the project:
  pnpm build

This command will clean the build/ directory and compile your TypeScript code.

  1. Start your Node.js application:
  pnpm start

This command will start your application using the compiled code.


  1. Clone the repository from GitHub: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd contract-manager
  3. Configure the application by setting up the necessary environment variables. You will need to specify database connection details and other relevant settings.
  4. Create a docker network using docker network create ptx
  5. Start the application: docker-compose up -d
  6. If you need to rebuild the image docker-compose build and restart with: docker-compose up -d
  7. If you don’t want to use the mongodb container from the docker compose you can use the command docker run -d -p your-port:your-port --name contract-manager contract-manager after running docker-compose build


  1. Install Terraform: Ensure Terraform is installed on your machine.
  2. Configure Kubernetes: Ensure you have access to your Kubernetes cluster and kubectl is configured.
  3. Initialize Terraform: Run the following commands from the terraform directory.
    cd terraform
    terraform init
  4. Apply the Configuration: Apply the Terraform configuration to create the resources.
    terraform apply
  5. Retrieve Service IP: After applying the configuration, retrieve the service IP.
    terraform output contract_manager_service_ip

Deployment with Helm

  1. Install Helm: Ensure Helm is installed on your machine. You can install it following the instructions here.

  2. Package the Helm chart:
     helm package ./path/to/contract-manager
  3. Deploy the Helm chart:
     helm install contract-manager ./path/to/contract-manager
  4. Verify the deployment:
     kubectl get all -n contract-manager
  5. Retrieve Service IP:
     kubectl get svc -n contract-manager


  1. Run tests:
  pnpm test

This command will run your tests using Mocha. Make sure your tests are located in ./src/tests/*.test.ts.


This project is licensed under MIT License