The Edge Computing (Decentralized AI processing) BB provides value-added services exploiting an underlying distributed edge computing infrastructure (e.g., owned and operated by Cloud Providers).
Two main high-level objectives are targeted by these services:
In general, the main Goal is to move the processing functions close to the data and execute them on-site. If the execution capability is available in the node storing the data, the processing function (FaaS based operation) or container (CaaS based operation) is launched there (e.g., by the Kubernetes/Knative platform). By these means, we can avoid the transmission of a large amount of data. (Goal 2)
As a more realistic use case, the data is also moved but only within a pre-defined privacy zone. This privacy zone encompasses worker nodes (using Kubernetes terminology) where we can deploy the processing functions on demand. (Goal 1)
More details of the communications related to Scenario 1 are given here: Dynamic Behaviour
The integration with all other BBs playing the role of the TriggeringBB is expected to be done via the Connector.
Primarily, BB-02 can play an Infrastructure Service role in the DPC protocol. In general, it provides data processing capability by executing a processing function (obtained form a Function Provider on-the-fly) on a dataset (obtained from a Data Provider or a prior data processing service).
The integration with the Service Chain Protocol should be straightforward as BB-02 uses the Connector to communicate with the dataspace components.
The caller BB in the role of the TriggeringBB and the prior data processing service initiates the call of a function as the next data processing service (or data consumer). The result of the called processing functionality is propagated to the Chain Protocol, which can be
The Edge computing BB requires a set of computation platforms/VMs (even over multiple clouds) to operate the underlying orchestration framework (Kubernetes/Knative) and execute processing functions on them.
In a managed approach, BB-02 uses a higher-level managed Kubernetes cloud service. The integration in this case only requires configuration capabilities from the cloud provider to be able to
In this case, BB-02 functionality is implemented as a Kubernetes extension/application operated by the cloud provider.
In a direct approach, BB-02 builds on lower-level IaaS cloud services. This approach assumes that the considered orchestration framework need to be set up, configured and managed by the BB owner/provider. This also allows for multi-cloud and edge cloud setups as well. The integration in this case requires configuration and availability capabilities from the cloud provider to be able to
In this case, BB-02 functionality is deployed on a tailored Kubernetes instance that is managed and operated by the BB owner.
The main data format standards to be followed in internal and external data exchange will be:
This building block integrates an instance of the Prometheus-X Dataspace Connector (PDC) to act as a data provider to:
Connector, Data Provider, Data Consumer and Service Consumer are defined in IDS-RAM 4.0.
This building block interacts with the Catalog, Contract and Consent components provided by the (Personal) Data Space Intermediary. Data Space Intermediary and Personal Data Intermediary are defined in DSSC blueprint. The services offered by the Data (Space) Intermediary are described as Core Services or Enabling Services by DSSC blueprint and defined as Data Intermediation Services by the Data Governance Act.
The following data types and variables are used in the subsequent diagrams and descriptions.
Data Type | Variable | Description |
AccessInfo | access | ID of a Provider and access info (REST API) of its Connector |
PrivateData | PD | reference/ID of the private data |
pdata | pd | the exact private data |
Data | D | reference/ID of the NOT private data |
data | d | the exact NOT private data |
Function | F | reference/ID of the function to be applied to the private data (function-specific configuration data can also be included) |
function | f | the exact function |
Contract | Cd and Cf | contracts between the TriggeringBB and DataProvider and FunctionProvider, respectively |
Consent | Cons(F on PD) | the consent from the User which allows the execution of the function on private data |
AccessToken | T | token created by the DataProvider related to the user's consent |
PrivacyZoneData | PZData | describing the privacy zone information related to the DataProvider and PrivateData |
Artifact | A | software artifact: container (CaaS) or function (CaaS) depending on the infrastructure |
Result | R | the result of the function execution on private data |
Customer-facing API (EdgeAPI):
- requestEdgeProc(
Function F, PrivateData PD,
Contract Cd, Contract Cf,
Consent Cons(F on PD), AccessToken T)
output: Result R
- requestEdgeProc(
Function F, Data D,
Contract Cd, Contract Cf)
output: Result R
Connector-facing API (PrivacyPreservingPDC):
- getPZData(
DataProvider DP, PrivateData PD)
output: PrivacyZoneData PZData
- requestFunction(
Function F, Contract Cf)
output: function f
- requestData/wPrivacyPreserving(
PrivateData PD,
Contract Cd,
Consent Cons(F on PD))
output: pdata pd
Catalog extension:
- getAccessInfo(
Function F)
output: ID of FunctionProvider and AccessInfo (e.g., REST API) of its Connector
The performance and the typical workload for a transaction cannot be estimated in general because these parameters strongly depend on the specific processing function and the (private) data which the function is executed on.
The high-level architecture of the Edge Computing BB is shown by the following figure.
The architecture of the Edge Computing BB is described by the following class diagram.
The purpose and tasks of the BB components are given in the table below.
BB Component | Description |
EdgeAPI | Entry point of the BB |
PrivacyZoneMgr | Gather, handle, process privacy zone data related to the DataProvider and the PrivateData |
PDC | Prometheus-X DataSpace Connector (core component) |
PrivacyPreservingPDC | Extended PDC equipped with the capability of privacy preserving data sharing and with function sharing (part of the BB) |
Scheduler | Custom Kubernetes Scheduler taking also privacy related information into account |
ArtifactBuilder | Build the software artifacts to be deployed (abstract class) |
CaaS/FaaSBuilder | CaaS and FaaS based implementation of the ArtifactBuilder |
Wrapper | Wrapper functions/services/data (e.g., AccessToken) added to the software artifact (abstract class) |
CaaS/FaaSWrapper | CaaS and FaaS based implementation of the Wrapper |
WorkerNode | Kubernetes/Knative worker node (edge node) which can execute the container/function |
The following sequence diagram shows how the components communicate with each other, assuming the most complex and relevant operation: Scenario 1.
BB Component | Description |
EdgeAPI | Entry point of the BB |
PrivacyZoneMgr | Gather, handle, process privacy zone data related to the DataProvider and the Data |
ConnectorEdge | The connector functionality of the data consumer is delegated to the Edge Computing BB, it is the counterpart of the provider's connector equipped with the capability of privacy preserving data sharing and function sharing |
Scheduler | Custom Kubernetes Scheduler |
ArtifactBuilder | Build the software artifacts to be deployed |
Wrapper | Wrapper functions/services/data added to the container/function artifact |
WorkerNode | Kubernetes worker node (edge node) which can execute the container/function |
Other Actors | Description |
Triggering BB (Consumer) | The triggering BB which plays the role of the data and function consumer. It also provides the consent related information gathered in advance making use of its own connector (not shown in the diagram). |
FunctionProvider | Storing the processing function to be executed (it can be the Triggering BB itself) |
ConnectorFP | The connector of the function provider equipped with the capability of function sharing |
DataProvider | Storing the data including personal data |
ConnectorDP | The connector of the data provider equipped with the capability of privacy preserving data sharing |
Contract | Prometheus-X core component (might be extended) |
Catalog | Prometheus-X core component extended with function sharing capability |
Consent | Prometheus-X core component (might be extended) |
The main steps of the operation are detailed below.
The operational parameters of the BB will be described in a corresponding YAML configuration file. It will be composed of the following relevant elements:
Configuration of the Prometheus-X Data Space Connector (PDC) is documented by the PDC building block.
The BB will use a Prometheus based monitoring service which is an open-source tool and a standard approach in Kubernetes systems. Besides the relevant infrastructure-level operational data, the Edge Computing BB related logging information will also be integrated into the monitoring system. Furthermore, customized alerting configuration will also be supported
In addition, a Grafana dashboard will be added where the operator of the BB can visually follow and inspect the relevant operational parameters.
The following error Scenarios are identified at the current design stage:
Authorization related issues
Dataspace related configuration issues
Infrastructure related issues
Each error Scenario results in refusing the request and providing the identified root cause.
Our implementation will be built on Kubernetes and Knative which components are licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Our BB will use the same license.
The curren version of the OpenAPI specification can be found here:
Edge Computing BB - OpenAPI specification
At a first step, the REST APIs of the BB will be tested making use of e.g., Postman to generate test requests. A mockup version of the BB will be responsible for checking the input parameters and their formats and for providing dummy answers.
In addition, the Connector (PDC) related extensions, such as Privacy Zone information handling, will also be mimicked at this stage.
As a second step, component related tests will be designed. The following entities can be tested separately at this level:
ArtifactBuilder: the BB-internal Connector (ConnectorEdge) provides a static function which should be used when building the artifact (container at first, function later). The result can be verified as follows.
Testing the artifact: the manually or automatically deployed artifact should gather the private data and execute the given function. The result can easily be verified for the test Scenario. Data Provider (mockup) for testing purpose is also needed.
Scheduler: we assume that the Privacy Zone information and the software artifact are available in advance, then the placement decision and the exact deployment process should be tested and verified.
As a third step, integration tests will be defined which can be used to validate the interoperation among the internal components of the BB. First, the ArtifactBuilder - Scheduler cooperation can be tested which integrates the previously defined component tests. Second, the Privacy Zone calculation process can be tested including the PrivacyZoneMgr, ConnectorEdge and EdgeAPI. And third, the overall workflow can be tested involving each component.
Finally, the integration tests with external BBs and the core components will be defined. The relevant entities are the following (according to our current view):
This building block is part of the service chain with the title "Decentralized AI Training". That service chain defines how these two building blocks can be integrated into one combined solution.
Furthermore, it's planned to integrate and showcase this building block in the Use Case "Job Opening Prediction". Details of this use case are still under development, the design will be further discussed.