Prometheus-X Components & Services

Trustworthy AI: Algorithm Assessment Design Document for CARiSMA (UoK)


The LORIA and Affectlog solutions are complemented by CARiSMA (CompliAnce, Risk, and Security ModelAnalyzer), developed by the University of Koblenz and Fraunhofer ISST. CARiSMA is a comprehensive open source software suite that enables system designers and security experts to perform automated compliance analyses, risk analyses and security analyses of software and system models. This allows users to consider security requirements early in the development process. Unified Modelling Language (UML) models are annotated with security-specific requirements that can be tailored to the users’ needs to cover a wide range of topics. Checks are performed on UML models, analyzing the models against the specified requirements and providing the user with detailed feedback on the models’ compliance with the previously defined requirements.

In the context of Trustworthy AI assessment, it is planned to extend the approach to generate informative documentation that helps users to understand, how their personal data is processed within an AI Scenario. This is achieved by defining a UML extension that an AI Expert (employee of AI Provider) uses whithin the CARiSMA Modeler to create an AI Scenario Model, which is a UML model containing additional AI specific information as shown in Figure 1. The AI scenario models can be analyzed and assessed by the CARiSMA Analyzer regarding AI/ML specific security issues as identified by the Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP) community. These analyses yield an AI Analysis Report, which, on the one hand, helps the AI Expert to improve the scenario. On the other hand, the AI Analysis Report can then be shared with the visualization building block to present the report to the natural persons, whose personal data is processed within the AI scenario. This improves the understandability of the AI scenario and contributes to fulfill documentation obligations as defined in EU’s AI Act.

Figure 1: AI Scenario Analysis

Technical usage scenarios & Features

Key functionalities:


Features/main functionalities

Technical usage scenarios

CARiSMA is beneficial for AI system engineers:

CARiSMA is beneficial for AI system users:


Use Cases

Figure 2: Use Cases of the CARiSMA in BB context

Use Case Create AI Scenario Model
Actor(s) AI Expert
Brief Description AI Expert creates a system model in context of Trustworthy AI
Pre-Conditions Eclipse, Papyrus and CARiSMA installed
Post-Conditions A model of a system with stereotypes, tags and constraints
Main Success Scenario AI Expert designed a system, annotates the required stereotypes, tags, constraints
Use Case Analyze AI Scenario Model
Actor(s) AI Expert
Brief Description AI Expert analyzes a system model in context of Trustworthy AI
Pre-Conditions A system model in context of Trustworthy AI has been created
Post-Conditions A feedback is given to the AI Expert whether his system is correct or not
Main Success Scenario AI Expert creates a CARiSMA analysis file, chooses the analysis type he wants to execute and clicks “Run”
Use Case Create & View AI Analysis Report
Actor(s) AI Expert
Brief Description AI Expert creates an analysis report of a model in context of Trustworthy AI
Pre-Conditions A system has been modeled and an analysis file is created and executed
Post-Conditions An HTML or XML file which contains information on the success or failure of the analysis including a brief description of possible mistakes
Main Success Scenario AI Expert clicks on the result of the analysis and chooses the format he want to create the report in, a file gets created in the folder of the model, the AI Experts opens the report
Use Case Improve AI Scenario Model
Actor(s) AI Expert
Brief Description AI Expert uses the error pointed out in the AI Analysis Report to improve them in the modeled system
Pre-Conditions A system has been modeled and an analysis report file is created which contains errors for the Checks/Analysis executed
Post-Conditions An improved system model which contains no more errors after the same Analysis is executed again
Main Success Scenario AI Expert opens the report which shows him one (or several more) errors, he improves his system regarding the errors and saves the system model, he opens the analysis file again and runs the analysis again, he creates another report which shows him a success for all the checks executed
Use Case Share AI Analysis Report
Actor(s) AI Expert
Brief Description AI Expert clicks on the analysis of the system and chooses send, he specifies the address and clicks send
Pre-Conditions A system has been modeled and an analysis file is created and executed
Post-Conditions A JSON file is created and send to a Connector specialized by the Visualization BB
Main Success Scenario AI Expert clicks on the result of the analysis and chooses “send”, (specifies the location of the Visualization BB) and the analysis JSON gets send to the Visualization BB



Direct Integrations with Other BBs

Analysis results can be stored in a JSON/HTML file format and sent to the building block “Decentralized Data Visualization” that visualizes the check result (maybe in a checkbox green/red). Also further details could be sent with the report (e.g. information when hovering over this checkbox). Data format could be a json-ld document using some standardized vocabulary/ontology.

Integrations via Connector

It’s planned to use a PDC to share AI Analysis Reports with the building block “distributed data visualiation”.

Relevant Standards

Data Format Standards

CARiSMA in the context of this building block makes use of the following standards, data formats and markup languages:

Mapping to Data Space Reference Architecture Models

CARiSMA in the context of this building block does not implement an element of a data space reference architecture model. It does make use of a connector implementation (the PDC) as defined by the Reference Architecture Model of the International Data Spaces Association (IDS-RAM).

Input / Output Data


No data from other building blocks will be received. Papyrus allows the creation of Unified Modeling Language (UML) models in the .di format via a graphical user interface. When such a model is created, a corresponding .uml file is created at the same time, which represents and saves this model in a tree structure used as an input for the CARiSMA tool. An extension will allow the user to model his system in the context of “Trustworthy AI”, for example by creating an AI scenario model on the use of data with personal information, by annotating various model elements with new stereotypes, tagged values and constraints.

Figure 3: Example Model for Data Usage Control

For each of these .uml files, a CARiSMA analysis file can be created which allows to select various checks/analyses via an UI tailored to the problem the user wants to analyze his system design. In the context of our previous example for a “Trustworthy AI” scenario, the user will be able to select an analysis that checks whether personal data has been made unrecognizable or not.

Figure 4: Analysis Editor User Interface


Once an analysis is complete, the AI Expert is informed of its outcome, indicating whether it is positive or negative. Additionally, the AI Expert has the option to generate a report in different machine-readable formats, providing further details on potential issues and sources of risks in system modeling. This enables the AI Expert to make necessary adjustments and refinements to the system, thereby closing security and risk gaps and establishing trust within the system.

Figure 5: Report in XML Format

Once the model of the system design is finalized, the AI Expert can trigger the sharing of the AI Analysis Report with other components. It’s planned to share the AI Analysis Report with the building block “Decentralized Data Visualization”. The user (data subject) is then able to view the report to get insights of how their data is processed within an AI scenario. The format of the shared AI Analysis Report looks as follows (subject to change):

    "name" : "AI Scenario Analysis",
    "success" : false,
    "analyses" : [{
		"name": "PersonalDataAnalysis",
		"success": true,
		"info": "Data contains no  personal information"
    }, {
		"name": "AiAlgorithmsAnalysis",
		"success": false,
		"info": "Algorithm X possible Data Poisoning Attack"
    }, {
		"name": "...",
		"success": "...",
		"info": "..."
	"report": {
		"html": "<html><head>...</head><body>...</body></html>",
		"xml": "<xml>...</xml>",
		"rdf" : "{\"@context\": {...}}"

Figure 6: Example Structure of an AI Analysis Report


The main class Carisma is registered as an Eclipse plugin and provides access to the various structures, serving as the controller for the different components of the tool.

An Analysis is executed on a Model of a certain ModelType registered within the ModelTypeRegistry. The models themselves are provided by the ModelManager and the ModelLoader for the corresponding ModelType.

CARiSMA executes analyses consisting of various CheckReferences to CheckDescriptors. These descriptors define the CarismaChecks that have been registered with the CheckRegistry. Each CarismaCheck may have any number of CheckParameters defined, which has a certain ParameterType. Checks may define pre- and post-conditions to use in combination with a blackboard to exchange information between them.

The AnalysisHost interface provides access to this blackboard, as well as methods for displaying the results of an Analysis in the AnalysisResultsView. The Analyzer is the main CARiSMA implementation of the AnalysisHost interface.

Figure 7: CARiSMA Tool Architecture

Figure 8: CARiSMA Check/Analysis Mechanism

Dynamic Behaviour

The sequence diagram shows how the component communicates with other components.

Figure 9: AI Expert & User Interactions

Configuration and deployment settings

Third Party Components & Licenses

CARiSMA is licensed under the Eclipse Public License v1.0. CARiSMA is based on the Eclipse IDE and on Papyrus. To run CARiSMA Eclipse IDE and Papyrus need to be installed. Both products are licensed under Eclipse Public License v2.0.

Additional third party libraries are required by / shipped with CARiSMA:

Apache License, Version 2.0

EDL 1.0


GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1

EPL 2.0, GPL

BSD 3-clause

mXparser - LICENSE

MIT license

ICU4J license


OpenAPI Specification

The component does not provide an API, since it does not receive data from other components / building blocks. All data is created manually within CARiSMA.

Test specification

Test plan

The testing strategy will include JUnit based tests of the implementation of CARiSMA (automated CI/CD pipeline via GitHub) and integration tests, covering the communication of different connectors via e.g. Postman and/or additional automated tests, therefore employing a combination of automated and manual testing methods to ensure comprehensive coverage.

Unit tests

Unit tests for three newly developed components will be implemented:

Component Profile

An extension of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) which allows for Trustworthy AI specific annotations to a model.

JUnit test should check that all necessary elements can be annotated with the required stereotypes so that the system can be modeled correctly.

Component Check/Analysis

A component which analyses a given model and gives a feedback whether the model is correct

JUnit test should check that correct and incorrect are identified as such by corresponding analysis

Component HTML/XML/JSON-LD Report

A component which enables the creation for HTML/XML/JSON-LD reports for a given analysis of a model/system

JUnit test should check that an HTML, XML, JSON-LD report can be created which contains the correct content depending on the input scenario and analysis

Integration tests

Connectors: Verification of all API endpoints (for CARiSMA and Visualization BB) and if they respond correctly to valid and invalid requests. Also check for correct error handling.

UI test (where relevant)

CARiSMA’s graphical user interface is based on the Eclipse IDE and Papyrus, a Eclipse based graphical UML modeling tool. Eclipse’s and Papyrus’s user interfaces are tested during Eclipse’s or Papyrus’s development, respectively. Additional UI tests of CARiSMA specific extensions are performed manually. Regularly tested are:

Partners & roles

This component of the building block “Trustworthy AI: Algorithm assessment” is developed by University of Koblenz and the associated partner Fraunhofer ISST. It complements the AI algorithm assessment approaches of LORIA and Affectlog. For the integration with the building block “distributed data visualization”, cooperation with HeadAI, Institut Mines Telecom and Visions may become necessary.

Usage in the dataspace

While the other components of this building block and other building blocks are generally used during run time, this component of the building block “Trustworthy AI: Algorithm assessment” is used during design time. It creates useful information about the scenarios that involve AI algorithms to process personal data.